We like to go up to Verona to the Factory Antique Mall. If you like antique malls, make it a point to go there sometime but give yourself a whole day. With their latest expansion they now advertise that they are the largest antique mall in the U.S.. Because it's a four hour plus drive and the fact that my wife is getting older 😁😜, we decided to stay the night in a motel and see some of the local sites to return Sunday afternoon. That was the plan. After the day at the mall (22OCT22), as we pulled into the motel my wife said "what's that noise" ? The LF brake pad had gotten thin and had been grinding the rotor away. We went to O'Rileys and got pads and a new rotor. Next morning (41°) started using the the toolkit that I keep in the truck to do the job. Long story short, couldn't get the caliper bracket off to replace the rotor, couldn't get the caliper to collapse to fit over the pads, cracked one of the cylinders on the caliper trying. Ended up heading home with new pads on a torn up rotor (after a very kind homeless man loaned me some giant channel locks that he had to compress the caliper). Blessings? Had enough money for parts, nice homeless man, at least had enough tools to do what we were able to do, and made it home without further trouble.
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And God’s Providence had you while we had no idea . . .