Do you have a specific incident in your life where the LORD used a nonbeliever in a key role that changed your course in the way He wanted you to go? I was just thinking of one, shared below.
This is, of course, about God's absolute sovereignty, like using Babylonian and Persian rulers to set the course of Daniel's life.
My next door neighbor, when I was a teenager, asked me and my brothers if we would come to vacation Bible school one summer. It made a difference in my life. The Lord eventually saved me on 8/7/1983.
My example was my high school journalism teacher, Betty Reddig. She and Bill were agnostics but she taught Bible as literature and taught it well. I think I took both OT and NT from her. Her son got me into naval intel and was my detailer. Knowing her family literally set the course for my life. She was a wonderful person. I only hope she and Bill met Jesus before the end (they both developed Alzheimer’s and died within a week of each other, in two separate retirement facilities).