This is a long text:
I would like to thank those who pray for Lydia and her family. Please, continue praying for her, as she has returned to the hospital again and has some type of unidentified infection or cause of fever.
I understand we all endure and have trials in life; and that we may learn from each. I believe God instructs each of us individually according to how He has formed within the desires of His heart the plan He has for us.
God has often spoke encouraging me using Lydia's life... she cannot tell others what is happening yet has those in her life who fight daily for her and help her. She witnesses daily personalities, behaviors, etc.
Without a physical voice she has a strong voice. She endures so much with every health hurdle she overcomes. But just as she cannot do that a lone... so we cannot in Christ.
So never underestimate the life of each individual in Christ God places within your day. No matter how simple or eventful each day.
As a child and young girl I watched my mother fight Hodgkins Lymphoma and she was in and out of the hospital, it rewrote our lives, environment, plans, schedules, and every aspect of life. Sometimes when difficult situations occur it is hard to fathom getting through it... why God allowed it...and we feel tremendous relief when it passes. But when God uses trials differently and repetitively it feels as if our spiritual muscles are strained. Yet through use is how muscles grow because of strain.
Lydia reminds me of a quiet patience and how God's Voice presents itself in many aspects of her life. How when we recognize to turn to Him when life is loud and we obviously need Him; but waiting on God in patience when life is quiet. When life is repititive or teaches the same lesson numerous times. Please, continue praying for wisdom, consistent strength, and God to reach the lives of those Lydia affects.
In life we often accomplish daily tasks through the ability to communicate, use resources, identify needs, etc.
But just imagine 100 percent only being able to accept and respond spiritually according to what is currently happening. We have heard of stories of Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller, and how during their lives it seemed as if life's hurdles were impossible or the life of Betty Rice, but sitting on this side of their life span we witness the effects each of their lives have on countless others daily. Each with communication barriers and difficulties, but each with a purpose for why God created them for His glory. We even witness the doors God unlocks through their struggles daily. And their struggles were not daily norms, but affected everyone's life they interacted with...
Their struggles caused others to slow down, think, respond, and see things differently then ever imagined...
Many wouldn't choose difficulty or trials. Many would not choose afflictions, but so many have gleaned from when God does the impossible through someone else.
Often something that has an impact like this is sometimes referred to as as "stealth".
Who is what is God using in your life that way?
Love in Christ Always,
Mary Beth
Thank you. I needed this today.🙏🏻🥰🙏🏻