I was listening to a podcast in the car yesterday in which it was mentioned that, mainly due to western secularism, we are now living in the first generation in which a majority of the planet either does not believe there is an afterlife or believes there might be an afterlife but we cannot know for sure about that.
Thinking about the fact that even pagans have always believed in life after death and in retribution for the evil we have done, it is a huge break with the past to see that more than half of us currently alive believe that this life is all there is. "If we want something, we have to get it now." "If we want to see retribution for evil, it is up to us to make it happen right now."
No wonder the secularists, while ceaselessly lecturing us about their version of morality, are also the most chronically unhappy people we will ever meet. We need only keep reminding ourselves that, to them, this life is all there is. And it can end at any moment, randomly or by the rising suicide rate.
As Pastor said Sunday, none of us should be rejoicing at all this bad news. Hell exists, whether they believe in it or not. And even the most bullying secularist has an eternal soul that might be won to Jesus . . .
May we see the need as Jesus saw the need when He was here. And be equipped by His Holy Spirit to do something about it.
My coworkers truly reflect this mindset. One group I worked with talked about it on two separate evenings while working late. One time I was sitting with them and contributed to the conversation, along with the transgender sergeant who stated, “I think God is the name we give to that part inside of us that wants to do something that matters.” The other time, I was behind a partition and just listened as I worked. Twelve people all saying various versions of “we might live on after death but we do not know and cannot know how.”
I think almost every person in that 1500 person building knows my testimony, from me or from someone else. I am never mocked to my face. And people do come to me for prayer and like it when I say I am praying for them. Yet . . . this generation largely does not believe.