I just read a tribute on Facebook written by a high school friend about his brother. His brother and dad started an auto business in the 1970s. My friend joined it sometime later, after his father died, and worked for his brother for 27 years. He said that his brother led someone to the Lord almost weekly that entire time.
Rebellious young people, other businessmen, high school classmates would all enter that office and emerge a while later with a smile on their faces, testifying they had just invited Jesus into their lives.
Sometimes it is hard to believe this type of person still exists. Someone who remembers, even while busy at work in a layman's career, that everyone will live somewhere for all eternity. Someone who asks, "If I don't care and share, who will?" Someone who not only thinks all of that but is incredibly effective at starting a gospel conversation with almost everyone he meets.
This story has really inspired me.
I mean, if this man won a person a week for 52 weeks a year over 27 years (only he probably was already doing it before his brother joined him so let’s just say 30 years times 50 weeks, to make round numbers), 1500 people will be in heaven directly due to his influence. Not to mention the people they won to Christ!
I witness at work and pray for people’s needs and do not have this man’s results. I know we are all in different circumstances (this man was the boss and could just shut his office door when he wished), but I truly aspire to make such an impact for Christ. I know He honors our desires to serve Him!