There is a news report today, pieced together from several clues, that the Rock Church is about to go up for sale. Yes, the church that in the 1990's built a 5000 person capacity auditorium because their services were frequently overflowing their previous auditorium with its capacity of 2000-3000. The church that Dr. Bell frequently made the target of lighthearted charismatic jokes.
I will leave out the press reporting of what has happened there. You can easily look it up if you are curious. Fact is, that is a lot of people down the street from us who are hopefully going to be looking for a new church home and not just giving up on church altogether. Maybe some of them are really disillusioned with the charismatic movement and ready for something new. Something like Tabernacle. Like us.
Are we willing to put shyness aside and befriend people in our community who may need us now?
Heart searching question.