Brother George had another episode with his blood pressure and was taken to the Norfolk Heart Hospital for more evaluation. Please prayer the doctors will be able to find the reason for these reoccurring problems.
Praying 🙏
Praying 🙏
Praying for George!
Still praying for George and Mary Jo!
George is off Beta blocker. Will stop blood thinners and will do a left catherizartion Monday 11/13 @ 2. Norfolk Heart Hospital
He did the Tilt test, and all went well. Echo this afternoon.
Praying for you both
Praying for my friend! God bless you both!
Prayed for him.
Prayed for both of them.
Praying for our dear Brother.
Tilt test, echo, and pacemaker evaluated. Alot of blood work.
Praying for you both.
Continuing to pray for him.
Praying 🙏🙏
Praying 🙏