UPDATE 8-26-24 Daniel-Lorrie Peters
Two more days and outpatient physical therapy begins! Daniel has settled into a daily routine of rest, therapy, and recliner contracting. He advises on jobs and his men and Rachel keep things going. As can be imagined, he tires quickly but he rests when he is tired. His doctors are impressed with his progress, and he gives all glory to God.
He had an excellent report from his doctors on Thursday. His trauma team doctor released him from further follow-up, and his orthopedic doctor will follow up again in four weeks. X-rays showed progress in healing already, and the doctors were pleased. Daniel gives God all the thanks and the glory.
Days have been filled with home therapy sessions, phone calls and occasional visits. His progress in therapy is amazing. He can now walk about 200 feet with no support from the walker, just holding it up for ready assistance if needed. He is stronger daily. Pain is still a constant battle especially with his ribs, but it is more manageable as time progresses.
He had visitors from the mission field in Honduras Wednesday. A sweet surprise. Several friends and family have come to visit as well. Phone calls, cards, and meals are frequent and a tremendous encouragement to Daniel and Lorrie. Not a day goes by that he isn’t reminded that people are praying and the prayers are felt.
He is thankful for the extra time he spends in prayer and Bible study, and for the blessings God has given him even through this trial. Thank you for your continued prayers. Prayers appreciated for therapy Thursday.
With continued praise to God Who makes all things possible - Daniel and family💕
Isaiah 12:4 - And in that day shall you say, Praise the Lord, call upon His name, declare His doings among the people, make mention that His name is exalted