UPDATE 8-17-24 Daniel-Lorrie Peters
Another good night of rest and an easier day of home therapy to give his body some rest. A couple of visits from family and his grandsons coming by to mow his grass. A little fresh air therapy is always good for the healing process.
Today he was recounting how incredibly thankful he is that God spared his life, allowed him the ability walk, and spared him from a traumatic brain injury. He asked the Lord to never let him forget this accident and how gracious God was to him and his family
He asked “Do you believe in miracles? And then said, “I got to be the recipient of one!” “I have thanked Him so many times, He’s probably tired of hearing me thank Him!”
It has been a recurring topic of conversation, his gratitude for God’s goodness and his thankfulness for everyone of you who are praying and helping however possible. He feels the prayer and he attributes his progress to God’s goodness and the prayers of the saints.
With continued gratitude - Daniel and family💕
Psalm 34:1. I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.