Prayers for George . We have been in the hospital since Friday am. Cardiac related and his Pulmonary hypertension numbers are up. Being transfered to Norfolk General when they can get a room.
Love and prayers! ❤️
Are you still at Leigh???
Sorry to hear this! Just prayed for George.
Praying 🙏
Praying Mary Jo!❤️
Praying 🙏
Praying 🙏🏽
Keeping George in our prayers.
We are praying for you two.
Continued prayers for both of you. Praying God will give the doctors wisdom in taking care of George.🙏🙏
Praying for him!
We were in last weekend. Thought he was septic. Fever, lactic acid, white count were up. But passed out from low blood pressure they think.
Continued Prayers..
Praying that he will get a room soon. The heart hospital is where he needs to be.