This pic is from former member Tina (and Shawn) Guimond. She got it from the Eisenhower's Facebook page.
They have five children (had four when they were at Tab). Her oldest four have served in the Navy. Son #2 and son #3 are still in. They are on the Eisenhower and Ford. I told her we would pray for them.
I will use her words to tell this sweet story: "They are both helicopter repairman (am's) one on Ike and the other on Ford. The Ford has been gone for 6+ months and the Ike left about a month ago. The Ford sent a helo over to the Ike and Cam was on that helo. They told Brandon he had to go on the flight deck and work. The bird landed and Camrin got off and totally surprised Brandon. They spent 2hrs together. I know what it meant to them and I'm so grateful they had each other, even if it was for a couple hours. 😭😭😭😭"
Praying for them! Thank so much for sharing.
Thanks so much, I remember them fondly. I was even thinking about them about a week ago. I remember the "boys". Their service makes you feel so proud of them ❤️🙏🏽
What a wonderful, surprise encounter, Mary!! “ Isn’t the love of Jesus something wonderful?!”
Following the news, we all know where that pic was taken. Let’s remember these young men and the other brave men and women with them as we climb into our safe, warm beds tonight. Remember them before the Father!