John Tant, Meagan Potter's stepdad, will be doing at least the first two sermons following the death of the pastor at their small Virginia Beach church. He is a layperson (works near me at Langley) but has often filled in for the pastor during his frequent hospitalizations this last year or so. Right before he died, the pastor arranged for their church to merge with one of like faith, but that pastor wants John to transition them to the new arrangement, rather than have it happen abruptly following the pastor's death. John covets our prayers as he is grieving the loss of his friend, too.
Already I am seeing prayer requests on social media following tornados related to our storm system that hit in Florida and Alabama.
Secretary of Defense Austen has prostate cancer. Pastor regularly reminds us to pray for our leaders regardless. No, Secretary Austen should not have spent four days in the ICU without informing the President, the Cabinet, and his military chain of command, but cancer is scary and maybe someone will be able to reach him with the Lord in all this. Plus, I have never heard of anyone being in the ICU for four days with complications after a cancer surgery so I think he really, really needs our prayers.