Hi everyone. Heidi and I were headed to Orlando FL for a week at Universal theme park, paid for by a good friend. The fuel pump went out on the truck and it can't be fixed until tomorrow. Trying to get a rental, get the rest of my stuff out of the truck and... well, please pray.
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Well, we're home. Stuck on the road, I called every 24 hour towing service and was told "can't help you", a sheriff's deputy stopped and radioed a tow service in which towed the truck to a local garage. $$$$$
Now I've got to get to Orlando. After calling Avis, every location in the Brunswick GA area and being told we have nothing, I contacted Enterprise, a company that I had written off because of a bad experience, they not only got me a car but an upgrade and multiple discounts.
A friend paid for park passes, hotel rooms, meals, everything. Universal is amazing.
Thursday afternoon the truck was done "new in-tank fuel pump". $$$$$ Spent most of the day Friday returning to Brunswick to retrieve the truck and drop off the rental, which cost way less than we had figured. 😁👍
Drove home Monday and discovered that the fuel gauge in now intermittent. There were many blessings, however, that I would be glad to share when I see you.
Praying all will go better for you all
Praying 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Prayers 🙏🙏
Praying 🙏🏻
Prayers for you.🙏🏻🙏🏻
Used to live in Brunswick! Prayers for you.
Praying 🙏
Bummer, I’ll pray brother.
Praying all goes well 🙏🏽
Praying Dave, the Lord is by your side
Yes Sir. Praying for you two!
Praying for you two!! Enjoy your trip with Mickey and Minnie!
Well bummer…praying it gets fixed quickly and you will be back on your way. Maybe someone there needed to hear the good news! 😊🙏🏻