Please pray for the region I grew up in in Brazil. The cities of Sertãozinho, Pontal, Ribeirão Preto, are all surrounded by sugar cane fields and brush. They are going through an extremely dry season there and several wild fires have been starting. All of these cities are surrounded by wildfires at this moment and the fires are being driven by high winds. The fires are getting really close to residences and the smoke is causing breathing issues. Highways have been blocked as well because of the danger, and keeping people who had to work out of town from getting back to their homes. We have Christian brethren in all these cities. Please pray for rain to put out these fires. Thanks in advance.
A young girl named Lydia who is in severe pain.
Doctors have tried finding it and cannot and she is non- verbal.
She has severe medical issues.
We are friends with her family.
Update: 06-20-2022
Lydia is still in severe pain and needs to go to Cincinnati Children's hospital and CHKD agrees. They are praying because a room needs to be available and Cincinnati accept her... she has been a patient there in the past.
Lydia is doing somewhat better, but had to be sedated. When she is awake she still feels pain, but they have been able to keep her calm. Cincinnati Children's hospital still doesn't have an available room. Both her parents feel she should be there and are askin you pray God helps.
Lydia needs intervention, her pain has not stopped and needs a room at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Her parents are asking prayer because she has been seen there on other occasions. CHKD has exhausted their ability to help her, and if Lydia is taken off of sedation her intense pain returns.
We have known her family for a few years, and I previously worked at the same store with her father. Please pray for God to work a miracle for their family.
Update: Just heard from a friend in Brazil that it is raining. Supposed to rain all day today. Thanks for prayers. God hears and answers prayer. There are still other regions in Brazil that have wildfires. Please pray God would send rain to those regions as well.
Praying, Kevin.
So sorry to hear this. I will pray God will help these brethren.