Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age by Rosaria Butterfield is a kind book but it is a direct book. Two of the Lies are #1 Homosexuality is Normal and #4 Transgenderism is Normal.
Mrs. Butterfield is in a unique position to know about these topics. She was raised unchurched by actively pro-abortion parents and became a tenured professor of English and women's studies at Syracuse University, living for ten years in a lesbian relationship, before a series of respectful conversations with a conservative Presbyterian pastor and his wife led to her being born again and renouncing her former life as Christ made all things new.
Rosaria now lives in Northern Virginia as the wife of another Presbyterian pastor and the mother of four or five children. She teaches English in a homeschool coop and pauses every once in a while to write a book, as God uses that talent she honed in the university setting.
This book is not for everyone but some of us are more into apologetics than others; this book will strengthen our understanding of God's good creation mandate which is also a part of God's inerrant Word and of our obedience to
the gospel. The book is also practical for anyone who has a child or grandchild struggling with these issues. As I said, it is a very kind book which equips people for the long haul of praying for that child and loving him or her, while not giving acceptance to the lies that have that person in bondage.
The differences between us and Presbyterians do not jump out in this book. Mrs. Butterfield uses tons of Scripture, most of it in the KJV. She and her husband are in a strict branch of Presbyterianism that only sings psalms in worship, and a few other differences emerge, but as we say, when reading, eat the cherries and spit out the pits. We agree with the Butterfields that each person needs to be individually born again and that, after that, we are called to evangelize the lost. So until a Baptist writes a book like this, I believe this one is the most helpful on the topic. It is available at Amazon, both in hard copy and in Kindle format. Even Amazon will not turn away something that will make them as much money as this book will. :-)
Praise the Lord she came to the saving knowledge of the truth & the ministering couple sharing God’s word.
Thank you, Mary