Hello Tab! Our Young adult group, or as Liz named us "the Smack in the middle group," is having a cookout to send the Potters off. We wanted to share on here and extend an invitation to whomever would like to come. I know many in different classes and groups love the Potters and interact with them and their kids. The cookout is this Tuesday, May 2nd at 5:30 p.m. It will be at Andreas and Ariuka's house next to the church. Stephen and I will be providing the hot dogs and grilling them. There is a sign up list for anything else if you want to bring something. Please RSVP to Mandy at 252-671-6558 if you want to come so we can have a head count for food. Bring a lawn/camping chair if you have one as we plan to eat and spend time together outside.
Here is the sign up link for things to bring
Thank you all for coming yesterday for the cookout. We all had a great time!
Thank you Mandy for organizing this and thank you Andres and Ariuka for hosting. We had a great time
If you are bring something please account for around 42. Thanks
Wish we could come but Kirk is home sick with a bout of bronchitis and is on an antibiotic and it will probably linger for a few days. Will sure be praying for a good turnout and great weather!! 💕