Heading out in the next little bit to a meeting at a church that is not a supporting church for me in northern Virginia. Please pray as I will be speaking to the ladies in the morning at 9AM and then presenting my work in the other services and getting to know these people as well throughout the day. Pray that if the Lord wills they would choose to partner with me for support both prayerfully and financially!
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Praying for travel mercies and that the church adds you for support.
I pray everyday for you in traveling and for support of the difference church.♥️
Praying 💕
Praying for you!
Praying for a great meeting and some additional support. 🙏🏻
Prayed the church in northern Virginia will take you on and help you with your missionary work. Prayed for safe travels too.
Praying 🙏🏽
Will pray for you and a successful weekend!!
Praying for you, friend.
Amanda, be safe! We’re praying for your safety, and partnership.
Praying for success tomorrow and continued adoption of supporting churches!
Praying 🙏🏼
Praying for you! Praying for support!
Be safe. praying!
Praying for you Amanda!
Definitely, we’ll be praying for you.
Praying! ❤️