A PRAISE FOR LINDA! She received her last chemotherapy last week 9/12/23. She was told by her Dr that the tumor has shrunk significantly. Very little evidence visible and only a lumpectomy will be required which will be done Oct. 16th. Just to be safe, Dr will test to see if lymph nodes are affected.
Tanisha was finally flown to UVA tonight. Still no change. Vitals are still good.
The Lord is good!
Continuing to pray for them.
Praise the Lord! Just seeing this update - praying they will be able to help Tanisha at UVA.
Oh Evelyn, I am over the moon with happiness!! What a wonderful respite the Lord has given Linda and we co tinir to pray for Tanisha as well. So many stumbling blocks here in Brazil but the Lord has walked us through each oneWhat a kind, loving Heavenly Father we have!! Heard about the bad storm warning. Praying for all of you! Sorry meeting had to get cut short, but we all heard enough if we will just digest and do!!!! 💕💕😘😘
Thank you for update continued prayers
Praise God . Will continue to pray for Tanisha healing of the body
Wonderful news for Linda. Continue to pray for her and Tanisha.
Thank you, Evelyn, for updating us.
Praise the Lord for good news 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽