"Daring Dependence" is the follow-on to "Daring Devotion." Both are books with 31 missionary bios, organized to be read as a devotional for a month. Amanda Baker recommended both of them at the Ladies' Meeting this year. I just finished this second one.
The book lists full biographies of all of its missionaries and encourages us to read further.
I ordered two. I have read "Through Gates of Splendor" by Elizabeth Elliott before. In 1956, five missionaries, including the author's husband, were murdered in the jungles of Ecuador by members of a people group they were trying to reach with the gospel. Later, the author and her daughter were able to return to that same jungle as part of a missionary effort that successfully reached many of this people group, including some of the murderers. So this is an amazing book, worth a second read.
The other one, "God Planted Five Seeds" by Jean Dye, was a shock to me. Thirteen years before the Elliott story, the author's husband and four other men were murdered in the jungles of Bolivia by members of a people group they were trying to reach there! So Jim Elliott and his group knew about this earlier murder when they went on their mission to unreached people in 1956 and they went anyway!!!
The difference was Jean Dye and the other missionary families did not find out for sure that their familymembers were dead for four years. They stayed where they were and eventually reached some of that people group there in the city. Those men went into the jungles and won their own people to Christ, eventually getting a confession from the murderers, who had turned to Christ!
These are both riveting stories which I will not be able to put down while reading them!!! God is sooooooo good, even in tragedy.
The Elliott party sang the above song before heading into the jungle. Mrs. Elliott used part of it as the title of her book.